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AC 모터 드라이브 라인필터의 축소화를 위한 신형 하이브리드 고조파 필터 제안, [KIEE Vol. 67P, No.1, 2018.03] A proposal of new hybrid passive harmonic filter for AC motor drive line filter size reduction, 박병주, 윤동철, 오정철, 배병열, 황안일, 유항규, 최석근, BJPark, DC Yoon, JC Oh, BY Bae, AI HWANG, HK Yoo, SK Choi
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Power quality improvement using passive harmonic filter banks in an industrial facility, Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference, Power and Energy Systems (Asia PES 2013)' April 10 - 12, 2013 Phuket, Thailand, Hansang Lee, Sanggyun Kang, Byungju Park
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